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Thursday, June 29, 2006

Final IE7 Beta Released

Microsoft released its' final beta of the new Internet Explorer browser. Besides layout changes, tab browsing etc., Microsoft says their main focus was on security.

ZDNet News, is reporting
"Security was the No. 1 investment we made in IE 7, in terms of our development resources," Tony Chor, Microsoft's group program manager for the browser, said in an interview.
"We did not spend a lot of time working on the IE browser for a few years," Chor said. "The increase in security attacks and the threat that our users were under really necessitated a reinvestment in IE...primarily around security."
This is the first revamping of IE since the release of IE6 back in 2001. Although MS claims their main focus was on security (time will tell), Microsoft can't deny the fact that in addition to the constant complaints about security that haunted IE6, the use of alternate browsers such as Firefox and Opera also pushed them into action.


Net Neutrality Bill Takes Another Hit

The unending pursuit for higher prices for internet consumers took a major hit in the U.S. Senate today. The Commerce Committee defeated a bill that would basically allow mega-cable companies, internet providers and phone companies like AT&T and Verizon to charge based on bandwidth consumption. Democrats argue, and correctly so, that this will create a two-tiered Internet with a fast lane for those who can afford it and a slow lane for those who can't. reports that Sen. Olympia Snowe (R-ME) joined with the 10 Democrats on the Committee to force a tie in a vote to recommend the bill to the full Senate.
"Broadband operators will be able to pick winners and losers," Snowe said. "That is the cable model. Do we want that to be the Internet model?"
Under the rules of the Senate, legislation must receive a majority in committee to recommend passage to the full Senate. The bill will now go to the full Senate without recommendation which could signal to the members to vote against the legislation.

Tech titans such as Microsoft and Google are urging the inclusion of strong wording in the legislation to preserve "net neutrality". According to reports
They argue the telephone and cable companies' plan to charge based on bandwidth consumption will create a two-tiered Internet with a fast lane for those who can afford it and a slow lane for those who can't.
Let's hope the full Senate also rejects the legislation without strong "net neutrality" language. I would urge you to contact your Senator and urge them to give this legislation the NO vote it deserves. You can contact him/her via the Senate switchboard toll free -- and they will connect your call to the Senator's office of your choice at 888-355-3588 or 888-818-6641.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

MSN Messenger & Yahoo! Mail Hit By Worms

Panda Labs is reporting that the worm they have named BlackAngel.B (the technical name for this worm is W32/BlackAngel.B.worm) is being spread primarily via MSN Messenger. Currently it is rated in the wild as a threat level 1, which is their lowest. The worm can possibly cause the following damage:
BlackAngel.B is a worm that attempts to disable the processes belonging to several security tools, such as antivirus programs and firewalls, among others. It prevents users from accessing certain operating system tools such as the Task Manager and the Registry Editor.

Additionally, it shuts down the computer. This way, the information that had not been saved until that moment could not be recovered.
Also according to Panda, it is fairly easy to recognise, - File name: fantasma.avi.exe.
- Icon: uses the same icon that Windows Media Player.
- Size: 385,024 bytes.
- Programmed with Visual Basic.

It sends one of the following messages to all Messenger contacts:

"jaja look a that http://<>/"
"mira este video http://<>/ jaja"
Further information with images is available at the Panda Labs Encyclopedia Site.

The second worm attack users are being warned of today, JS/Yamanner@MM, targets Yahoo! Mail. According to The Washington Post, Security experts are warning of a new e-mail worm that takes advantage of a flaw in Yahoo's Web mail system to redirect users to advertising sites and to spread the worm to everyone in the victim's e-mail address book.

Due to the increase in news reports, AVERT at McAfee Antivirus has issued a low-level advisory, and released an extra DAT file to it's subscribers.

The WaPo article quotes an advisory from Symantec Security Response (Norton AV) stating
"JS.Yamanner" exploits an unpatched Javascript vulnerability that kicks in when when the user opens an e-mail infected by the worm. Unlike most e-mail-based worms -- which launch when the recipient clicks on an infected file attachment -- this one spreads merely by getting the user to open the e-mail.
In addition to the above report from the Washington Post, SANS Internet Storm Center is reporting on its' website that The release of a new version barely two hours after we started our analysis which partially fixes the first version indicates that the code is very much under development and you should assume that the remaining bugs will be rapidly ironed out.

To activate the mass-mailer it is sufficient to open the mail message without clicking on the attachment and it will scour your address list and send itself as an attachment (forwarded message) to everyone on it. It searches for both and e-mail addresses.

In an update from SANS, they are now quoting Yahoo! as saying - Yahoo! is aware of the issue and is working on a fix, in their words "Yahoo! Mail is blocking most of these messages, and is working on a fix."

I would urge all of you to read the specifics of these two worms at the links provided above, and of course it goes without saying make sure your AV and Firewall apps are currently up to date.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Your Daily Tip From SmartComputing

Finding Memory That's Compatible With Your PC

Many memory manufacturers have an online database where you can look for memory that's compatible with your system. Crucial Technology ( has an excellent database that can provide you with all of the specifications you need to find compatible memory. The interactive guide asks you for your PC manufacturer and model and supplies a list of compatible Crucial memory modules. Although Crucial no doubt hopes you'll buy its memory, you can use the specifications next to each module to locate compatible modules elsewhere.

This material is used only for informational, noncommercial purposes.

You can subscribe to and enjoy learning more from Smart Computing HERE....

Monday, June 05, 2006

Critical Flaws In Firefox Repaired

TechRepublic is reporting that Mozilla has released an update to its Firefox Web browser that repairs a dozen security vulnerabilities, five of which are deemed "critical."

Mozilla has published security advisories for each of the flaws repaired by the Firefox update, and are available here.

TechRepublic also reports "Firefox is a security update that is part of our ongoing program to provide a safe Internet experience for our customers," Mozilla said on its Web site. "We recommend that all users upgrade to this latest version."


Zero Tolerance Enacted By CNET

CNET Announces New Zero-Tolerance Adware Policy; Removes More than 500 Titles from its Site; Hosts Workshop of Leading Industry Experts to Discuss Next Steps in Addressing Problem of Spyware.

CNET are expanding its' longtime policy that prohibits software components that could interfere with users' control and privacy, including all spyware.

Since some recently released products now contain more invasive and risky applications that are similar to spyware, the existing policy has been expanded to include all adware, which is defined as a program designed to deliver ads or to get marketing information from the consumer.

You can read more on this most welcome and responsible policy enacted by CNET HERE...

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Do ISP Server Side Email Filters Serve You?

Spam, Spam, Spam the bane of all our inboxes (next to foistware and spyware of course). Well now we have our kind-heated ISP giving us "server side" anti-spam programs saving us the trouble of having to sort through hundreds of discount Viagara pills and too good to be true stock options. But don't be so sure.

As this article from Smart Computing tells us,
ISPs use antispam applications not so much to benefit their customers as to benefit themselves because these applications reduce the flow of email transmitting through the ISPs' servers
Unfortunately even though ISP server-side filters mean well and strive for 100% accuracy (to their benefit), SC has found that only 80% is caught by these well intentioned ISP's.

Read on.....

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Is MS "ONE CARE" Ready For Big Time?

I don't think so but then again I am a bit pissed off at MS at the moment after screwing up IE by downloading and attempting to use IE7 Beta. Ya Ya I know that's why they call it Beta. Actually I was quite pleased with it until I attempted to get into my bank to pay some bills. No luck. In fact I couldn't even access the page. I called the bank, and their response was they were being inundated with calls from other customers with the same problem. The way they explained it to me, IE7 does a number on the security settings, making access (at least to my bank impossible) I uninstalled it, and went back to IE6 thinking this would solve the problem, but no such luck, and as my financial institution told me IE7 changes the security code permanently, and leaves it that way even if it's uninstalled. My only way around this so I could get on with some much needed bill paying was to install Netscape 7.1 (NO HIGHER) to at least keep the bill collectors happy.

What's this have to do with "One Care" you ask? Well the article in The Globe Tech Section states:
Microsoft Corp. was to announce Wednesday that it is releasing software that aims to better protect people who use its Windows operating system from Internet attacks.

The move pits the world's largest software maker head-to-head with long-time business partners Symantec Corp., McAfee Inc. and others.

Windows Live OneCare, which will protect up to three computers for $49.95 (U.S.) per year, marks the latest step in Microsoft's effort over the years to make its operating system less vulnerable to crippling Internet attacks.
My opinion is simply this. If Microsoft can't even get the browser that is supposed to be the main rivalry to Firefox and others to run correctly. I would certainly take my time (like say a year from now) before even thinking about making a move. Right now I am more than satisfied with the protection and the customer service provided by Trend Micro.

Those are my thoughts why not let me know what you think? In the meantime, you can read more about the new 100 pound gorilla entering the security field at The Globe and Mail

I Hate Be Bearer 0f Bad News....

But unfortunately I am going to close My personal website CyberNews4You which is located at CyberNews4You. All future posting will be posted here on Blogger once again. If however for what ever reason you may wish to read what was on the previous site, feel free to visit there. I will attempt to keep it active for a few more months before deleting. I will attempt to somhow move all postings on that sight to some kind of an archive section, or if one of my brilliant aquaintances and friends know how to do this I am open to suggestions.

As many of you are aware, I have been suffering from some unforseen medical problems that are limiting my time I can spend on-line. This saddens me tremendously - in fact more tremendously that I anticipated.

I am saddens me not only personally, but mostly for all the extremely had work and unshakeable patience Mitch has had in teaching me the in's and out's and of creating a personal web page, but also I thank him for his subdued slap on the wrist whenever I got out of line when my desires got BIGGER that what I was capable of doing nnd taking up his valuable time when I know (or at the very least should have known the pressure I was also putting on him in trying to meet what I call "my delusions of grandeur such as wanting a 3 conlumn site. I realize now (too late of course this was way way to much to not only expect and impose on a dear friend my own selfish wishes.

A personal note to Mitch, - Thank you so much for your undying patience with this I am sure your most difficult student. Just believe me when I say thank you from the bottom of my heart you were more than a "God Send", and I hope we can rekindle and keep up what once IMO good relationship.

Secondly, A personal note to Goatie. Thank you so very much for your header and your graphics which gave my home page the exact "touch of class" you so quickly recognized was needed and spent time well beyond that which anyone else would have done for me. I will be for ever in you debt.

So my dear friends and readers, here is the plan. The CyberNews4You Home Page will now rejoin "BLOGGER" where it started out. I know this will cause some drawbacks
but please believe me when I say that do to the recent deterioration in my health, and the many medical appopintments I forsee in the future, I just simply cannot keep up the pace.

The Safety and New Advancements that are going to be needed in the future of the internet (not to mention the "Grubby Hands of Government that seems to think they must control every aspect of our lives) definitely must be posted and if possible bring everyone up to date and explained as best as possible.

My pledge to you, is to do this to the best of my ability. I do have one request of you however, if any of you feel they would like to do me the honour of becoming a guest blogger to fill in when I am not available or to rip me up one side and down the other if I am in error on a story, please let me know and I will make this an "invitational forum" so others that not only I trust but my readers trust as well.

Here is hoping that in the second half of '06 on you and I will be able to keep people up to date on not only the intrusion of Government on our "Free Internet" but the everlurking and continuous hacking these idiots who don't have a life to live do there best to make the lives of the rest of us miserable.

Take care my dear dear friends, and I hope I hear from you all soon with your ideas and offers of help.

Thanks, an may your Higher Power keep you safe, and remember "always cover your back.

So remember my dear friends and readers all future posts will be made here.

Thank you so very much for your understanding,