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Saturday, June 03, 2006

Is MS "ONE CARE" Ready For Big Time?

I don't think so but then again I am a bit pissed off at MS at the moment after screwing up IE by downloading and attempting to use IE7 Beta. Ya Ya I know that's why they call it Beta. Actually I was quite pleased with it until I attempted to get into my bank to pay some bills. No luck. In fact I couldn't even access the page. I called the bank, and their response was they were being inundated with calls from other customers with the same problem. The way they explained it to me, IE7 does a number on the security settings, making access (at least to my bank impossible) I uninstalled it, and went back to IE6 thinking this would solve the problem, but no such luck, and as my financial institution told me IE7 changes the security code permanently, and leaves it that way even if it's uninstalled. My only way around this so I could get on with some much needed bill paying was to install Netscape 7.1 (NO HIGHER) to at least keep the bill collectors happy.

What's this have to do with "One Care" you ask? Well the article in The Globe Tech Section states:
Microsoft Corp. was to announce Wednesday that it is releasing software that aims to better protect people who use its Windows operating system from Internet attacks.

The move pits the world's largest software maker head-to-head with long-time business partners Symantec Corp., McAfee Inc. and others.

Windows Live OneCare, which will protect up to three computers for $49.95 (U.S.) per year, marks the latest step in Microsoft's effort over the years to make its operating system less vulnerable to crippling Internet attacks.
My opinion is simply this. If Microsoft can't even get the browser that is supposed to be the main rivalry to Firefox and others to run correctly. I would certainly take my time (like say a year from now) before even thinking about making a move. Right now I am more than satisfied with the protection and the customer service provided by Trend Micro.

Those are my thoughts why not let me know what you think? In the meantime, you can read more about the new 100 pound gorilla entering the security field at The Globe and Mail


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