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Thursday, December 07, 2006

So You Want A Free Version Of Windows Vista?

There is a counterfit version of VISTA, Microsoft's latest Operation System making the rounds. If you really really believe in the fact you can always get something for free, then you are more naieve than I thought. Since I am a strong advocate of stopping counterfieting and illega downloading of apps, music, video or anything else, I am more than happy to see that playing with fire get's you burned. I do not tolerate for a minute the distribution of trojans, viril infections and other malware, I feel very little sympathy for anyone snagged up in a trap of some kind.

From The Register is reporting:
A week after Windows Vista's official launch hackers have devised their first attack, targeting pirates trying to install illegal copies of Microsoft's operating system.

A supposed Windows Vista crack called Windows Vista All Versions Activation 21.11.06 is reportedly doing the rounds, offering those tempted by the chance of sticking it to Microsoft the ability to install illegal versions of Windows Vista.

However, the software is not a Windows Vista crack and pirates get something they didn't expect - installation of a Trojan called PSW.Win32.LdPinch.aze - something with a "high" threat level.
Read on....
The threat level for this trojan has been rated HIGH by Sunbelt's Counter Spy Research Center, and Low-Profiled by McAfee's AVERT Labs

So there you have it. If you wish to play russian roullette with your P.C. believing you can get something for nothing go for it and enjoy those consequences which means planting of a password stealing trojan designed to send the local passwords to the trojan didn't expect.

This trojan goes by several aliases depending on the AV program you use:

* Infostealer.Ldpinch (Symantec)

* Trojan-PSW.Win32.LdPinch.aze ( Kaspersky )

* TSPY_LDPINCH.KI (Trend Micro)


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