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Sunday, May 01, 2005

CyberNews4You Website Launched!!!!

I am very pleased to announce that the new CyberNews4You website is now up. There you will find the most recent PC News, more links you can access for PC help, and of course PC Tips. A new addition is the new mail icon which permits you to email me directly. Hopefully additional improvements will be made as they become apparent. Or if you're so inclined, you can use that new email icon to send me your suggestions. I am always open to receiving your comments and suggestions, and implementing them if they are possible and most of all constructive to the site.

Now I would like to include in this announcement some acknowledgements to the people who in my opinion were fundamental to the constuction of the new site.

First off I want to give a big thank you to Mitch, known to most as PhantomPhixer, whose website can be found HERE offers the very best in computer tips, help and security information. Without his help with HTML code, suggestions and layout, the site would never have seen the light of day. His enduring patience and humor kept me going much longer than I thought possible.

Goatie, is known to most of us in the malware fighting community not only for her fantastic advice to infected user's but also for her wonderful avatars that many of us use on the various support forums we frequent. Without her graphics on the site it would have been nothing but a blue blob with text on it. She brought "life" to the page and for that I owe her a great deal of gratitude.

Thanks also to two of my closest "cyber family" members, Corrine and Judy who shared their valuable time with me and allowed me the use of their eyes to take a critical look at the site throughout the construction of the page and continues to this day.

Thank you all, I never could have done this without any of you.